Rental addresses

Chaumont sur Loire

Location :
Stations Bee's, Chaumont-sur-Loire
Hours :

Ouvert tous les jours sur réservation de 9h à 18h.

Equipments :

Trips from Chaumont sur Loire


Chaumont-sur-Loire - Blois: After visiting the famous Chaumont-sur-Loire estate and its International Garden Festival, head for Blois! During 22km go along the banks of the Loire through the heart of nature. Once in Blois, take the time to visit the Château de Blois and its Musée des Beaux-Arts, or the Maison de la Magie (House of Magic) just across the square. Once night has fallen, enjoy the Son et Lumière show in the courtyard of the Château de Blois, where its history will be told to you on its facades (simultaneous translation available in 10 languages with audio-language device).


Chaumont-sur-Loire - Amboise: Take a stroll around the Chaumont-sur-Loire International Garden Festival and hop on your bike for a 21km ride along the banks of the Loire! At Mosnes, you'll pass along the hillsides: a few hills, but a magnificent landscape awaits you. When you arrive in Amboise, take time to wander around the city centre, visit the Royal Château of Amboise overlooking the town and discover the last home of the famous Leonardo da Vinci, the Château du Clos Lucé.


Chaumont-sur-Loire - Chenonceaux: This short 25km itinerary leading from the Loire to the Cher river will allow you to discover the Touraine countryside. The other trails are a little more undulating so don't hesitate to take breaks to hydrate! You can then visit the Château de Chenonceau, nicknamed the "Château des Dames", and its famous gallery, designed by Diane de Poitiers but completed by Catherine de Medici, which elegantly spans the Cher.

Centre-Val de Loire
Cheverny Voyages
Accueil Vélo
Loire à vélo
Tickets Châteaux
Label ATR
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